Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Manmohan, Sonia and the INC owe the nation an answer.......

Amongst scores of innocent lives lost by the act of terror that struck the heart of Jaipur, is this young Indian.... and this is how hapless the common man is under the rule of the UPA alliance, and its great 'economist' prime minister... the honorable Dr Manmohan Singh who neither understands the economics of the country nor cares for the lives of his subjects... The moment there is an act of terror, next moment the Indian National Congress and its leaders pay lip service to the dead and their kith and kin..... The country deserves better governance and needs someone who can handle these s as a law and order cases, and not connect this with the 'minority vote bank....... Sonia, the crown king Rahul and their anointed team under the 'able' leadership of Dr Manmohan have got only time to prove ther loyalities to the 'first family' and also look for reasons outside the country..... we had a suave and charismatic Kapil Sibal, another prominent leader exhort on prime time televisions that prices are rising all over the world and hence, is nothing unique to India.... but may I remind our ministerji that it is not the world but the poor Indian who voted them to power.......
What the country needs now is not a leader who has no courage and determination, and also not someone who has to listed to instructions from the 'first family' for every action.... THE NEED OF THE HOUR IS A LEADERSHIP THAT CAN CRUSH THESE COWARD TERRORISTS WITH AN IRON HAND, WITHOUT BEING WORRIED ABOUT THE 11% VOTE SHARE THAT SERVES THE 'SECULAR' HUNGER OF THE UPA.........

Friday, January 4, 2008

Power of INTUITION it...... harness it to WIN...... and get to your GOALS.....

Brian Tracy, the world renowned success coach says, "The more you do what you're doing, the more you'll get of what you've got."

Learn to use your imagination to solve your problems in a totally different way. It has been said that men and women start to become great when they begin to listen to their inner voice, or their intuition. Intuition is so powerful that it has been studied and written about for thousands of years by some of the greatest men and women in history. When you begin to use it regularly and systematically, there is virtually nothing that you cannot accomplish. Intuition has been called the "still, small voice within." You may experience your intuition as a gut feeling, as an inner sense of what is right or wrong for you.. Sometimes, your intuition manifests itself as a hunch or an inspiration. Often, it comes as a flash of insight. Your intuition leads you to new ideas, concepts, and breakthroughs. Sometimes, an intuitive flash will enable you to see a problem from a new perspective and allow you to solve it on a completely different level.

Einstein was referring to intuition when he said, "No problem can be solved on the same level at which you meet it."

Since the more you do what you're doing, the more you'll get of what you've got, trying to solve your current problem at your current level is often an exercise in frustration. You can unlock your intuition by using your imagination to think about your problem in a totally different way. There are two major forms of imagination, both of which require the highest use of intuitive powers. They are synthetic imagination and creative imagination.

Synthetic Imagination

Synthetic imagination is your ability to assemble existing pieces of knowledge and information into new forms. It is much like taking all the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, having a clear idea of the picture that you want, and assembling the pieces into a single finished product. This form of imagination is often called "integrative intelligence." It is one of the highest forms of intelligence. Integrative intelligence is defined as the ability to integrate a large number of pieces of information into a single precept for decision and action. It is your ability to recognize and sort many different facts and insights, accepting some and discarding others, in the process of making the correct decision. This form of intelligence is extremely valuable in fastmoving, fluid situations that require you to consider many different pieces of information in making a decision. It has been estimated that you need between 20,000 and 50,000 bits of information at your disposal to be successful in any field of endeavor. We live in the information age, and knowledge is the raw material of production in this age. So, the more pieces of information you have, the more effective your integrative intelligence, or synthetic imagination, will be. The people who rise to the top of any field of endeavor are invariably those who know more than others. In fact, the division in our society today is not between those who "have more" and those who "have less" but, rather, between those who "know more" and those who "know less." You must continually gather additional bits of practical and useful information so you have plenty of ideas and concepts to draw upon when you are wrestling with any problem or striving toward any goal. Your intuition then goes to work for you by helping you quickly sort out the relevant facts and giving you the answers you need when you need them. The more ideas you expose yourself to, the greater the probability that the right idea will appear at the right time. When it does, your intuition will help you recognize the idea and integrate it into whatever you are trying to accomplish.

Creative Imagination

The second form of imagination is creative imagination. This is a higher form of imagination, where intuition plays an even more important role. Creative imagination refers to your ability to come up with complexly new and different ideas and concepts to solve your problems and achieve your goals. This form of imagination is at the core of all the great breakthroughs in science, technology, art, music, literature, and medicine. The most successful individuals throughout history have been those who have deliberately trained themselves to tap into their creative imagination on a regular basis. Men and women who have a highly developed imagination have often reached the point where they completely trust their intuition " their inner voice” to guide them in every situation. The never speak or act until they feel an inner urging to do so. They know that their intuition will always bring them exactly the right answer at exactly the right time. Your intuition is your direct pipeline to a form of intelligence that is completely beyond your conscious brain.. It is accessed by your subconscious mind, which is controlled by the thoughts you think and the beliefs you hold in your conscious mind.

The more often you affirm and visualize your desired goals in your conscious mind, the more readily they are picked up by your subconscious mind, and the more rapidly your intuition or creative imagination is triggered. Successful, effective, happy people are those who have gotten onto the beam of their own intuitive senses and who rely continuously on their inner guidance รข€” and they seldom make mistakes. All the great writers, composers, artists, and scientists have developed the habit of listening to their intuition. You have access to the same intuitive powers as the smartest men and women who ever lived. Research shows that men and women, tested separately, have intuitions that are equally accurate. They seem to come up with the same intuitive answers to complex problems and questions. Why is it, then, that women's intuition is more respected than men's? The answer is simple: Women listen to their intuition more, while men tend to brush it aside. When a woman says, "This situation doesn't feel right," she perceives this feeling as a valid and important assessment of whether the situation is right or wrong. Women are generally very respectful of their intuitive feelings, and they generally refuse to go against them. Men will often brush aside their intuitive leanings in favor of a shortterm conscious solution, only to pay the price later. Perhaps the best method for stimulating your intuition is to practice solitude on a regular basis. Throughout the ages, the greatest thinkers practiced solitude regularly in their work and life. They took time to be alone with themselves. They went off and sat quietly prior to any situation of importance. Most of the great thinkers of today continue to use solitude as an essential tool in developing the creative insights and intuitions that often have the power to change lives. Most people have never practiced solitude because they wrongly believe that they have no time for it. However, one good idea that comes to you in the silence of solitude can save you a year of hard work. You cannot afford not to practice solitude on a regular basis. Solitude requires no energy, no effort, no trying at all. It simply requires a state of relaxed awareness in which you open your mind to your greater intelligence. And, at the right moment, exactly the right answer you need will come to you in exactly the right form. You can overcome any obstacle, solve any problem, or achieve any goal by tapping into the incredible powers of your mind and by trusting your intuition. Once you begin to develop and use your intuition, you will become more alert, more aware, smarter, and more effective in everything that you do. Synthetic Imagination is your ability to assemble existing pieces of knowledge and information into new forms. It is much like taking all the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, having a clear idea of the picture that you want, and assembling the pieces into a single finished product. The more ideas you expose yourself to, the greater the probability that the right idea will appear at the right time. Creative Imagination is a higher form of imagination resulting in complexly new and different ideas and concepts to solve your problems and achieve your goals. This form of imagination is at the core of all the great breakthroughs in science, technology, art, music, literature, and medicine. The most successful individuals are those who can deliberately tap into their creative imagination on a regular basis.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Benazir - A profile in "COURAGE"......

As the news breaks in that the 'Daughter of the East' Benazir Bhutto has fallen prey to an act of cowardice and terror on the soil Liaquat park at Rawapindi, one single quality that is worth emulation her courage... One of the tallest leadership qualities be it in politics, business or personal life... courage in the face of life's challenges, utmost adversity and in the face of life threatening situations.
While most of us get fazed by even the smallest trial and tribulation in any front of our lives, and sure many amongst even would get temporarily incapacited to act by minor setbacks, here is a profile in courage... an Oxford educated daughter of Pakistan's former president and tallest leader Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, destined to Pakistani politics after the most gruesome hanging of father by the militia, getting her act together, put behind the bar for many years, sent in exile for a few years and then, the tigress making a comeback... knowingly well that her life is at risk..... despite that, arrives in the country - welcomed by a dastardly suicide attack that almost killed her. Undeterred, she moves on with her goal to restore democracy in a blood-soaked country and alas, no sooner falls to a devilish attack.....
Most of the challenges, are atleast percieved challenges and setbacks we encounter would pall in comparison to the challenges such mass leaders come across and live with in life..... In fact most of the difficult situations in our lives are by imagination in the mind than that in reality.....
Such leaders and incidents, grief apart, should inspire us to take life's challenges head-on and make us pursue our goals steadfast..... That would be the best learning for the future leaders in all of us.... leaders in life, family, organisation.......

Monday, December 24, 2007

To ACT is to Lead.... Robin Sharma

As Robin wrote in Who Will Cry When You Die?, "The smallest of actions is always better than the noblest of intentions." Leadership is a lot more than just dreaming up big idea. It's about acting on them.What separates the ordinary ones from The Great Ones is a simple fact: the best of the best execute brilliantly around their most vital priorities.

In a leadership presentation Robin gave to BP, he called the concept BRBO: Best Resources on Biggest Opportunities.Leadership is, in so many ways, about getting good stuff done. Not started. Not in process. Done.

So today, let all of us make a decision that will revolutionize our careers/life/self: never leave the site of an opportunity without doing something to seize it. And be less about talk - and more about DO.

Perseverence... the winning quality....

If there is one quality that makes people win and achieve, it is not the amount of knowledge or being excellent in what you do, but it is just about the ability to persevere in the task on hand.... And why is it so difficult to persevere... it is to because of the wandering mind.... read any book and you see that the mind thinks anything like 60000 thoughts a day... he is a wandering generalist that a specific goal focussed person.. so the more focussed the mind is on what is important the more the quality of perseverence is cultivated......

Don't miss the point.... gaining a new skill or improving on the job and climbing in the corporate ladder are all things that may not be such a huge challenge, if the mind and body are tuned and drilled to persevere.......

Taking forward what i wrote in the previous post, to accomplish our GOALS, it would be best to associate the ability to persevere or willingness to stay put on the task-at-hand to being in a pleasurable state of mind and body... and the opposite... not persevering or not focusing on the task as something that is unbearable pain... That moment there would be paradigm shift in what the mind instructs the body to do..... PERSEVERE, GAIN IMMENSE PLEASURE AND ACHIEVE YOUR GOAL......

The goal to persevere may be small or big, but once the pleasure - persevere association gets stronger and stronger, the motivation to be focussed and task driven increases and that habit will be all needed to WIN LIFE.....

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Power of relating with pain and pleasure.....

Change does not take ages to happen..... Tony Robbins in 'Awaken the giant within' iterates this fact and I have seen this work... try and associate what you want to move away from or change with 'pain' and what you intend to do or what state of mind you want to be in with 'pleasure' and change - in the state of mind, body and physique happens that moment, not a minute sooner or later.... For something as simple of keeping a gloomy mood or rather a grouchy face you relate the same with 'pain', and if that is a persistent condition in you, associate it with 'immense pain' and you will in no time move away from that undesirable state of mind... I have tried doing this and am succeeding, and it is my conviction that it will work for all my friends out there.... All my dear friends who want to win, be happy, and keep smiling......

To further help, let me say what is 'pain' and 'pleasure'
Being sad is pain, being happy is immense pleasure
Losing is pain and winning is pleasure
Smiling at others - family and elsewhere is pleasure, and not doing so is pain
Allowing a garbage truck mindset person to hold a sway on your 'mind power' is immense pain and ignoring and moving on is great pleasure....
Grieving over all trivia is pain and moving on with your tasks ahead is pleasure....

So, every condition of ours and every mental disposition of ours can be related like this, and changed from bad to good and pain to pleasure in a minute......

Your singular goal everyday ought to be to just eliminate all PAIN and get in all the PLEASURE.....

Have a great day and great life....

Work goals for the new year... from Beyond.com

-- Take Every Opportunity - Take advantage of work-life benefits offered by your employer; feel free to suggest ideas that will help you meet your goal while still being productive.
-- Devise a Realistic Strategy - Although you may know what you want to do this year, chances are you don't have the first clue how to achieve them. Create a detailed plan that will help you easily measure and reach your goals. Plan the work, and work the plan!
-- Set the Bar Appropriately - A goal that looks intimating from the start will probably never be accomplished. Instead of planning to never work on vacation, set a resolution to limit the time spent checking email to 15 minutes per day.
-- Utilize the People Who Know You Best - Enlist friends and co-workers to encourage and support you in reaching a resolution.
-- Make Daily Reminders - Jot down your daily successes and failures; use failures as suggestions for improvement. Place daily reminders in your computers calendar and receive daily notices of encouragement. Lastly, don't be afraid to have others personally remind you.